Monday, March 10, 2014

Push up bar and handle-why should you use them?

 Push up handle/bare are the most used accessories for push ups. 

Why use Push Up Handle or Bar?

You typically perform push-ups with your hands on the floor, but using push-up bars or handles can offer a couple of training benefits. If you suffer from wrist discomfort, the apparatus allow you to perform the exercise without pain.In addition, using a push-up bar lets you lower yourself closer to the floor, increasing how hard your muscles work.

Push up Bars vs. Handles 

 A couple of different types of equipment are designed for push-ups. A push-up bar is a structure that you place on the floor where you plan to put your hands. It features a single bar running perpendicular to your body so that when you grip with it, tour palms are facing your feet. Push-up handles typically are two separated pieces of equipment that you grip it with each hand. They allow you to change the direction of your wrist, so your palms can face each other or your feet as you perform the push-up.

   Easing Stress on the Wrists

When you do pus-ups without bar or handles, you place your palms flat on the floor, forcing your wrists into extreme hyperextehnsion, which can lead to pain and nerve problems. When you use bars or handles, your wrists maintain a neutral position. The muscles in your forearms must work harder to keep your wrists from collapsing, but they are in a safer position.

Increasing Chest Work

 Using push-up bar or handles lets you drop closer to the floor, increasing how hard tour chest muscle, the pectorialis major , must work. With your hands on the floor, your torso meets the ground sooner than when you do the exercise with bars or handles, which elevate your bod. Your shoulder joints perform a greater degree of horizontal abduction, which means they flare out more to your sides.

Safety Considerations

While performing push-ups with a bar or handles can increase the involvement of your chest muscle because you horizontally abduct your shoulders to a great degree, this extreme abduction can place significant stress on your shoulder joints . Extreme horizontal abduction can led to your shoulder impingement, in which your rotator cuff, between your humerus and scapula. When you lower toward the floor, your humerus and scapula squeeze together. The farther you stretch your shoulder, the greater the risk of the structures in your shoulders getting pinched.

  • I recommend the rotation handles .
 Push-up Handle tutorial


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